Friday 20 November 2009

you can have whatever you like

the day consisted of sushi, poodles, thieving gypsy grandmas and perfect autumnal air.





Sunday 8 November 2009

ed kienholz

ed kienholz: installation/assemblage artist, 'three-dimensional literate'
i think i'm in love.


back seat dodge '38

when asked why the two characters back seat dodge '38 share the same head, he stated that it was "because they have the same thing on their minds." i like how grim and sleazy this work is, with the car reduced to its focal backseat, the stained windows, the discarded bottles and the man made of chicken wire and a spark plug.


the state hospital


five car stud

these are the only photographs i can find of this work. apparently it is set inside a tent. the tableau challenges the viewers participation in the scene, where six white men perform an 'illegal operation' on a black man, whose race is indicated by an oil pan filled with black oil acting as a torso, with the letters spelling 'nigger' floating on it like some kind of crude spaghetti message.

keinholz manages to strip away the immediate senses of reality that would otherwise leave the work novelty and entertaining, thus distanced from reality. the work is instead more thought provoking, which he achieves by retaining basic and disturbing elements that symbolize what he wants to communicate. five car stud reminded me of joseph beuys work, except his symbolisms are to a much more ambiguous extent; one sometimes has to investigate him and his work heavily to fully grasp it. Frequently this is through materials that possess strong connotations or puns (the literal balls of steel on the man being castrated, for example). they demand attention and time for discovery, and after that the challenge of how you are going to cope with the work that shares your space. some suggestions for a viewer of five car stud included participation or disregard.

so, very exited for when the hoerengracht will be in the national gallery.

Saturday 7 November 2009

wrong person

"Yes I will come for you. Roll my strength into a ball for you. Throw myself across chance for you. I will be the bridge or the pulley because you are the dream."
Jeanette Winterson

Friday 6 November 2009

p1: design with wire

manipulation of wire project.

i chose ivy as my natural form to tell a story with and expose character traits that one may not necessarily perceive this enduring plant to have. i concentrated on the climbing element of ivy and will later experiment with lighting and hanging it in a way to create the effect of tendrils 'growing' through space, literally or using shadow (such as cornelia parker).

initially the ivy was suspended in space. i did a few variations in scale and technique, the best of which resulted from using one single piece of wire, approximately three or four meters, in a continuous manner, keeping it fragile and controllable but sturdy. i knocked a few nails into the wall so it could play the game it does best.






i found jessica's one of the most effective and the most enchanting; abstracting the tiny bulbs of her mystery plant on a grander scale, (i'm still not sure that it is rubber,) she created chaotic balls of wound wire, some containing descriptive words. these were suspended on a grid structure at varying levels that mimiced their allignment on the plant. depending on how close to it you are you either see them suspended on thin copper wire, or just free in space.


